Summary for Pardosa lugubris sens. str. (Araneae)
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About this species
Recorded altitude range7m to 260m
Species text
DistributionP. saltans was described by Töpfer-Hofmann et al. (2000) as a species distinct from P. lugubris. All British material examined had proved to be P. saltans so Harvey et al. (2002) mapped all records as this species, whilst noting the possibility raised by Merrett & Murphy (2000) that P. lugubris s.s. may also occur. In the event Pardosa lugubris s.s. was identified in 2004 from pitfall trap material collected as part of an experimental study into the use of burning or cutting managament at the R.S.P.B. reserve at Abernethy (Moray, East Inverness-shire), where it was present in considerable numbers. Subsequent re-examination showed the species presence in earlier material, as well as from Glen Affric and Corrimony (East Inverness-shire) and Inveran Wood (East Sutherland) (pers. comm. I. Dawson, M. Davidson, D. Williams). In 2006 Richard Price collected one individual from Grass Wood in North-west Yorkshire, the first record from England. Harvey (2004), based on information provided by Ian Dawson, gives a summary to distinguish P. lugubris s.s. from P. saltans.
Habitat and ecology
The spider probably has a similar general ecology to P. saltans, occurring in forests and woodlands. It is likely to be restricted to ancient woodland sites, and very possibly has an association with Caledonian pine forest in Scotland. It has been found in considerable numbers in pitfall traps, and probably occurs running over the ground in open clearings as well as amongst litter within the shade of woodland. Adults have been found in large numbers in June, and females and occasional males have been taken in July and August.
The species is present in large numbers at Abernethy, and probably occurs in good populations at other forest sites in Scotland. Its status in northern England is unknown.
Areas of Caledonian pine forest are threatened with conversion to intensive forestry using Sitka spruce Picea sitchensis, lodgepole pine Pinus contorta and other alien species. It is unlikely that conversion of open Caledonian pine forest to dense plantation forestry will maintain habitat in a suitable state for this species. The forest at Abernethy is an RSPB reserve which is managed to maintain the native pine forest and its special communities.
Management and conservation
Regeneration of native pine should be encouraged to develop a self-sustaining native pine forest. In deciduous ancient woodlands traditional management should aim to provide clearings and open areas on a rotational basis.
Text based on Dawson, I.K., Harvey, P.R., Merrett, P. & Russell-Smith, A.R. (in prep.). References
Adult Season
background methodology
Recorded management for locations with Pardosa lugubris sens. str.
Recorded substrate and hydrology for locations with Pardosa lugubris sens. str.
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